Posted: March 03 2023

Sadaqah is a voluntary form of charity that Muslims should strive to perform. There are many acts that qualify as Sadaqah, and with the right intention, these can hold a lot of rewards.
While Sadaqah is voluntary, it is recommended to give it regularly as it is pleasing to Allah (SWT). It is the often-performed acts that Allah (SWT) likes the most, no matter how small they seem. For those who give charity regularly and willingly, they can enter Baab As-Sadaqah, the Gate of Charity, to enter Jannah, Paradise.
In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “A charity is due for every joint in each person on every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity; a good word is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)
What are the benefits of Sadaqah?
There are many benefits of giving Sadaqah in Islam. It is a way of showing gratitude for the blessings we have and a way to help our brothers and sisters who are struggling around the world. It could be by helping a neighbour or someone you have never met before.
Giving Sadaqah is particularly important in Islam, and by doing so, we are following the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who used to give in charity often.’
Those Who Used to Give in Charity
Aisha bint Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s (PBUH) wife, was a woman who loved to give to charity, despite her own struggles. Her sister, Asma, was also generous in giving. While Aisha would collect things to give to charity in one go, Asma would give things constantly without collecting in bulk. Both of their generosity should be awed at, and as Muslims, we should take a lesson in this and try to do the same as they did.
Another lesson about charity and Sadaqah can be taken from the Muhajiroun and the Ansar. The Muhajiroun followed the Prophet (PBUH) from Makkah to Madinah, where the Ansar, the helpers, shared all they had as if the Muhajiroun were their family. They shared their food, water, clothes and belongings with them, and this immense act of Sadaqah is important for us to be aware of. This story also adheres to the hadith: “You will not believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself.”
When to Give Sadaqah
Sadaqah can be given at any time. However, there are times when it can be virtuous to give more, for example, in one of the four sacred months: Muharram, Rajab, Dhul Qa’da and Dhul Hijjah, or in the blessed month of Ramadan, or on a Friday when Allah (SWT) showers us with blessings.
Giving Sadaqah in Ramadan
Giving Sadaqah during Ramadan is such an amazing act of worship, to do. It can bring you closer to Allah (SWT) and allow you to help others who are less fortunate.
Giving Sadaqah in the last ten nights of Ramadan is extremely important, as one of these nights will be Laylatul Qadr – the Night of Power. On this night, it is said that duas are answered, and rewards for honourable deeds are multiplied.
Give Sadaqah with Orphans in Need
You can reap the rewards of giving to charity this Ramadan by donating to the Orphans in Need Sadaqah Appeal.
Please donate generously to help our fellow brothers and sisters from around the world, invest in your akhirah and earn good deeds!