Widow & Orphan

No mother wants to see her children go hungry. Our food parcel donations ensure widows and orphans worldwide can receive support when they have nowhere else to turn.
The food parcels provided by Orphans in Need are a valuable lifeline when families suffer the trauma of losing the home’s main breadwinner to disease, accident, or sadly murde
With no resources, money or support, widows become desperate and lost with no ability to feed their family and themselves.
Provides one food parcel to feed a family of five for a whole month
Provides food parcels to feed TWO families of five for a whole month
Our dedicated and compassionate teams are working to provide nutritious food parcels to help the widows and orphans that have been affected by poverty across 15 countries throughout Asia and Africa. Many families rely on the assistance of charities that provide help for widows and orphans to feed their children each month and we hope to reach as many people in need as we can.
In 2020, Orphan in Need donor’s food parcel donations to widows and orphans enabled our teams to provide over 8 million meals to families in need, and together with your assistance, we aim to provide even more support this year.
Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, every food parcel we provided to families contained necessary hygiene kits to keep our beneficiaries and their children safe and we will continue to do so.
Orphans are supported each year across 14 different countries
Meals delivered each last year worldwide
Families were fed nutritious meals in Asia, Africa and the Middle East