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This is Ibtesam, 20 Years Old
Ibtesam Altarabilsy lives in North Gaza-Beit Lahia in Palestine with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Ibtesam was attending school before receiving sponsorship but now due to your support Ibtesam is doing very well and is studying at university.
When we visited, we took the opportunity to speak with Ibtesam’s mother, we asked her mother how she was doing at university and she responded to us very positively by saying:
“ She is doing well at her university, she feels that university is her second home and is very proud to be there. Ibtesam’s studies will make her a more independent and intellectual woman, it will help her do good for herself, her family and her society”.
We were also fortunate to meet with Ibtesam during our visit despite her busy university schedule, we asked Ibtesam how she thinks her education will change hers and her family’s lives, she replied by saying: “I think nothing is better than education, education will help me to have work and I can improve the standard of our living. Through my education I will understand life well and will deal with my life successfully. Education can completely transform a person’s life from a failed person who is unable to set and achieve goals or even plan to reach them, to a person with a specific goal who learns to achieve them in different ways”.
Ibtesam is studying Basic Education at Islamic University-Gaza. She has finished her second year with very good grades and is very much looking forward to moving into her third year in a few weeks’ time.
Now, thanks to sponsorship from Orphans in Need, all of this has changed…
Ibtesam informed us that her favourite subject is Psychological Growth and Health and when we asked her how she is going to use this in her future she told us:
“Education is a real weapon for the progress of society. It helps me to gain a huge amount of useful information, which will shape my strong and independent personality. I am a woman who is aspiring to be a teacher as I see that education helps me to create an educated generation in the future”.
Ibetsam’s main goal in life is to become a successful teacher, this goal and dream will now become a reality and was only made possible because of you!
Before our visit finished we asked Ibtesam how she felt the sponsorship programme had helped her, her response was amazing:
“The sponsorship has changed my life to be better, I get many benefits from my sponsorship and it is helping me achieve my goal. It assists me in covering transportation to university, books, stationary costs and personal living costs while at university. I thank my generous sponsor, I do not have enough words to describe how I really appreciate their assistance. I pray for Allah to keep my sponsor in very good health as well as give him the best of luck in his life”.
We don’t think we could have said this any better ourselves. This young lady is a true inspiration to all at Orphans in Need and this is down to your continued assistance! We cannot thank you enough.