
Qurbani is an important time in the Islamic calendar and falls in the 12th and final month, known as Dhul Hijjah,
Qurbani Rules And FAQs
Qurbani is an important time in the Islamic calendar and falls in the 12th and final month, known as Dhul Hijjah, alongside the celebration of Eid al-Adha. At this time, every able-bodied Muslim is expected to make a donation that ensures families living in poverty can receive a share of a sacrificed animal.
Qurbani is an important time in the Islamic calendar and falls in the 12th and final month, known as Dhul Hijjah, alongside the celebration of Eid al-Adha. At this time, every able-bodied Muslim is expected to make a donation that ensures families living in poverty can receive a share of a sacrificed animal.

Qurbani rules help us celebrate Qurbani as the Prophet would have intended and we have detailed these below with other Qurbani FAQs.
What is Qurbani?
Qurbani, meaning offering, is the recognition of the sacrifice that was going to be made by Prophet Ibrahim when he was going to give up his son, Ismail, for the sake of Allah (SWT). During Qurbani, an animal is sacrificed and the shares are divided.
Qurbani marks the completion of Hajj, the pilgrimage made to the holy city and is celebrated with friends and family over the days of Eid al-Adha.
How Does Qurbani Work?
Those who are eligible to give Qurbani must either sacrifice an animal or make a donation equivalent to the value of a sacrificial animal on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah (after special Eid prayers). Monetary Qurbani donations go towards purchasing/rearing animals that can be sacrificed in poor communities so that everyone can enjoy a nutritious meal and the Eid al-Adha celebrations.
How to Distribute Qurbani Meat?
Once an animal has been sacrificed, it is distributed in three ways: a portion is saved for the person who has made the Qurbani donation, a portion is given to the donor’s friends/family, and the final portion is given to the hungry and less fortunate.
There are different schools of thought on whether and who Qurbani is compulsory for and you should speak to your local Imam for confirmation. Qurbani provides families in need necessary food for the celebration of Eid and your donation, if you are able and eligible to make one, is gratefully received.
When Does Qurbani Start?
Qurbani falls on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah and sacrifices can only be made at this time after the Eid prayer takes place at the start of Eid al-Adha. Sacrifices that are made prior to the Eid prayer are not considered Qurbani and must be made again after the special Eid prayer.
Is Qurbani Fard/Farz (Compulsory)?
Yes, Qurbani is fard.
Who is Qurbani Compulsory On?
Qurbani is expected by every able-bodied Muslim who has reached the age of puberty and for everyone that meets the rules of Zakat.
There are different schools of thought on who is Qurbani wajib on, and you should speak to your local Imam for confirmation. Qurbani provides families in need necessary food for the celebration of Eid and your donation, if you are able and eligible to make one, is gratefully received.
How Many Qurbani Per Family is Expected?
Every eligible Muslim should provide one share of Qurbani and parents should provide a share in the name of their children. One small animal such as a goat or sheep is equivalent to one Qurbani share, while a larger animal, such as a cow or camel, is equal to seven shares and can be split between seven individuals. Qurbani rules for husband and wives state that a husband does not need to give a share on behalf of his wife if she has her own money but can do so if they choose to.
Who is Eligible for Qurbani?
Although traditionally, Qurbani shares are split into three, it’s common for shares to be given to those most in need and who do not have enough wealth or food to feed their family for a day. At Orphans in Need, we distribute Qurbani donations to those most in need and living in poverty, ensuring they can enjoy Eid al-Adha alongside their brothers and sisters.
How Much is Qurbani?
Qurbani 2024 is available to purchase from $53 a share, or you can provide an Eid meal for $12.
What Should I do if I’ve Missed Qurbani?
Qurbani donations that have been missed in previous years can be made up this year by making contributions for additional Qurbani shares.
Should I Avoid Cutting my Nails and Hair if I’m Giving Qurbani?
Anyone intending to give Qurbani should not cut their hair or nails from the start of Dhul Hijjah up until the sacrifice has been made, as per the words of the Prophet (PBUH);
“When you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah, and one of you desires that he offer a sacrifice, then let him keep his hair and nails.”

Animal Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules
Not all animals are suitable for Qurbani and there are rules advised for the health and age of an animal for them to be eligible for sacrifice.
The age of the animal should meet a minimum of;
- One year in age for sheep and goats (equivalent to one person’s Qurbani share)
- Two years in age for cows and buffalo (equivalent to seven person’s Qurbani share)
- Five years in age for camels (equivalent to seven person’s Qurbani share)
Any animal chosen for sacrifice should be in good health and have no illness or disease including;
- Their horns cannot be broken
- They must have at least half their teeth
- They cannot have lost a third or more from their ears or tail
- They cannot be blind or have lost a third or more of their sight
- They must be able to walk without limp or lameness
- They must be well-fed and raised with care, not thin or lean
Qurbani animals for sacrifice can be either male or female.
How to Slaughter a Qurbani Animal
In order for a slaughter to be counted as Qurbani, it is essential that the animal is slaughtered in accordance with the following rules:
- Slaughtered with a sharp knife – dull knives may inflict unnecessary pain and suffering
- Knives are not to be sharpened in front of the sacrificial animal
- No animal is to be slaughtered in front of another animal
- When the sacrifice is being made, the words “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar” are to be said
- The animal is not to be skinned until the body is entirely cold
How to Pay Qurbani
If you live in the United States, Qurbani is only permitted in registered slaughterhouses. That being said, Qurbani is compulsory which means a donation must be made. You may pay your Qurbani with Orphans in Need. We will ensure your Qurbani share is sacrificed according to the words of the Prophet (PBUH) and fresh, high-quality meat is distributed to those living in poverty.