Posted: Feb 10 2023

As the ninth month in the Islamic Calendar, Ramadan occurs every year. Despite this, this doesn’t make it any less important to make the most out of Ramadan. On the contrary, this is one of the holiest times, meaning employing methods to enhance your religious bond is essential. After all, Ramadan presents you with the opportunity to nourish your body, soul, and purpose alike. In doing so, though, you need to practice discipline regarding your habits, prayer, and fasting. To that avail, detailed below are some of the best ways to make the most of the Holy Month.
Follow a Traditional Ramadan Schedule
Firstly, a traditional Ramadan schedule is a good place to start regarding maximising blessings in Ramadan. This involves waking up before Fajr to eat Suhoor, reading a section of the Qur’an before and after Fajr, and maintaining a strict prayer schedule. Essentially, your day should be structured around holy things; this includes abstinence from drinking, eating, and impure activities until the sun sets. Following the sunset comes the time to enjoy Iftar with your family and friends and discuss the day’s learnings.
A schedule such as this should ensure that you’re nourished for the entirety of the day, allowing you to invest your energy in strengthening your connection with the Almighty.
Rest Well
Fasting is both mentally and physically taxing; additionally, since you’re required to wake up exceptionally early to eat before sunrise, your sleep schedule will be adjusted, too. As a result, you may need to incorporate naps into your daily schedule. This will help you remain strong for the entire day and reduce feelings of hunger. That said, it’s important not to sleep too much, as this will result in your missing a significant chunk of the auspicious month. Instead, a half an hour nap each afternoon should be all you need to keep yourself feeling refreshed.
Learn What Needs to Be Done if You Can’t Fast
Unfortunately, not everyone is physically able to fast; if you’re one of these people, you must assess what needs to be done to compensate. For instance, if you’re unwell, elderly, breastfeeding, pregnant, menstruating or travelling, you’re not required to fast. In place of this, though, you must pay Fidya. You’re required to pay £4 for each missed day of fasting; therefore, if you’re unable to fast for the entirety of Ramadan, you’ll owe £120 in total.
Keep Hydrated
While it’s not permitted to drink anything during the daylight hours, it’s imperative that you use the night-time hours to hydrate yourself. This means drinking at least two glasses of water with each meal and around four more glasses between mealtimes. During these hours, you should steer away from caffeinated and carbonated beverages, as these will dehydrate you in the long run. This will make the following day’s fast exceptionally difficult.
Spend Time in the Community
Since Ramadan revolves around strengthening your bond with Allah (SWT), it’s also a good idea to interact with the Ummah. Being a good Muslim is all about being inclusive and ensuring everyone is well looked after. The customs are the Holy Month are followed by every Muslim, so it’s nice to share this experience with as many people as possible.
Don’t Overindulge at Iftar
After a day’s fast, it can be tempting to eat excessive amounts of sugary, salty, and fatty foods. Despite this, it’s important to break a fast slowly with water and dates before having a more substantial meal later at night. If you stick to a balanced diet without overindulging, you’ll be sustained for the following day’s fast and won’t be as susceptible to cravings.
Work on Deepening Your Connection with Allah (SWT)
Ramadan can be overwhelming, to say the least. In the midst of all the changes, it can be easy to forget what Ramadan is really about. The purpose of the month is to renew your personal connection with Allah (SWT), so make sure you’re not neglecting your duty to do so during this time.
Focus on the Night of Power in the Last 10 Days of the Month
The Night of Power (or Laylat al-Qadr) is thought to be one of the holiest months of the entire year. Despite this, the exact date is unknown. It’s believed to occur on the 27th of Ramadan; however, it has the potential to fall on any of the last 10 nights (particularly the odd-numbered nights). This date is so significant in Islam as it’s the day on which Allah (SWT) revealed the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) via Angel Jibril (AS). As a result, you should be increasing prayer, reading more Qur’an, and performing more good deeds over the last 10 nights.
Be Charitable and Gracious
While fasting is often deemed the central theme of Ramadan, generosity is equally important during this time. As a result, we encourage you to https://oinusa.org/appeals/global-orphan-care/to make the most of Ramadan.