
Widow Family


Rising food prices: they urgently need your help.

$63/Month - Sponsor a widowed mother and her orphaned children; provide food, medical care, and help with school fees for an entire month.

The starving are now dying.

The price of food and basic medicine continues to increase every year, and unfortunately, that means it is considered a luxury for millions around the world. In impoverished areas, the starving are now dying. The pursuit of education is a distant dream. Orphans and widows who are already struggling have no hope of feeding themselves, buying medicine, or going to school to climb out of poverty.


Now more than ever, your help can help save their lives.

Widow Family Sponsorship

Our Widow Family Sponsorship Program ($750 per year or $62.50 per month) will sponsor a widowed family, and ensure that we are able to feed them for an entire year. Your donation will provide sanitation products, essential medicine, and support in paying regular school fees.


Food packages provide nutritious food staples like rice, flour, lentils, vegetables, oil, spices, tea, sugar, and more. In addition, we make sure that all the produce is sourced locally with a focus on nutritional benefit.


We work in 13 countries — Bangladesh, The Gambia, India, Jammu & Kashmir, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine (Gaza), Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Sri Lanka — focusing on long-term goals and sustainability in order to lift widowed families out of the cycle of poverty.


Your donation will be used to help the most vulnerable widowed families in impoverished communities, like widowed mother Sughra Bibi who lost her daughter, two sons, and husband. Learn more about her story below.

“I lost my daughter, two sons, and my husband.”

Sughra Bibi’s life took a tragic turn when her 16-year-old daughter’s appendix burst, and she suddenly lost her. Shortly after the death of her daughter Amina, Sughra’s youngest son Daniyal was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of 11.


While Orphans in Need sponsored him so he could receive regular dialysis treatment, his treatment failed after a year. Sughra’s heart was shattered once again as her son suddenly passed.


Seven months after Daniyal’s death, Sughra’s husband had a heart attack, and she was widowed. Sughra and her orphaned children were dealing with deep grief and poverty, only surviving with the help of occasional handouts.


We arranged sponsorship for her 14-year-old son Afzal, but he suddenly passed away last year. Sughra tells us, “His kidneys failed. Orphans in Need made sure he received dialysis treatment, but after ten months he passed away on the way to the hospital.”

Sughra was left all alone with her daughter, 11-year-old Iqra. Sughra tells us, “My younger daughter and I live alone, and someone can easily hurt us. We feel unsafe and have no support system.”


Widowed families like Sughra Bibi and her orphaned children need our support.


There are 258 million widows around the world. Many lack education and training and cannot support themselves. Physical violence and abuse against widowed families is common, and many orphaned children in widowed families are stuck in a cycle of endless suffering, starvation, and poverty. You can be the one to change their lives.