Donor Details




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Orphans in Need USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that makes all donations tax-deductible. Orphans in Need USA’s Tax ID Number is 86-1513003. Your tax-deductible donation will help create a better world, not just for our orphans, but for everyone. Your support will help aid orphans in their personal development, helping them learn new skills and improve their professional prospects for the future. With your generosity and support, Orphans in Need USA will provide relief from hunger and the stress that comes with it, allowing widows to focus on finding income to support their families. We will help existing orphanage owners through grants, to improve the quality of living for the orphans in their care. Lastly, we will provide funding for medical care and treatment to those that don’t have the means to afford it. If you have any questions about your tax statement or giving record, please contact our Donor Services team online or by phone at 844-964-6872.